Sailing, Sailing (Music)

All ages

Heave ho, my lads, the wind blows free,
A pleasant gale is on our lee,
And soon to cross the ocean clear,
Our sailing ship we’ll bravely steer.


And ere we part for England’s shore tonight,
A song we sing for home and beauty bright.
Then here’s to the sailor, and here’s to the heart so true,
Who would think of him upon the waters blue.


Sailing, sailing, over the bounty mane,
For many a stormy wind shall blow,
Ere Jack comes home again.
(repeat chorus)


Old MacDonald Had A Dinosaur Farm (Music)

Parent Preferred

All Ages

Once your kids learn this catchy variation to ‘Old MacDonald’, they won’t want to sing the original version anymore. All you do is speed up the tempo a little for the first verse, “Old MacDonald had a farm” to fit in the word “dinosaur,” then substitute the verses as follows:


Old MacDonald had a dinosaur farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on this farm he had a triceratops, E-I-E-I-O

(Have kids put three fingers on their forehead and huff and puff like a charging bull)
with a huff puff here, and a huff puff there, Here a huff, there a puff, everywhere a huff puff Old MacDonald had a dinosaur farm, E-I-E-I-O


and on this farm he had a

(Have kids cup their hands together and swing arms back and forth like a spiked tail)
With a swoosh of his tail here, a swoosh of his tail there, here a swoosh, there a swoosh,
everywhere a whoosh swoosh!


Tyrannosaurus Rex
(Have kids roar and snap their teeth like aT-Rex)
With a roar! here, and a roar! there, here a roar, there a roar, everywhere a roar, roar!


(The dino with the dome shaped skull) (Have kids bang their foreheads against their hands)
With a bonk, bonk here, and a bonk, bonk there, here a bonk, there a bonk, everywhere a bonk, bonk!


Pteranadon / Pteradactyl
(Have kids stretch arms out wide and flap them)
With a flap, flap here, and a flap, flap there, here a flap, there a flap, everywhere a flap, flap!


(Have kids bang their feet against the floor in a stomping motion)
With a boom! here, and a boom! there, here a boom, there a boom, everywhere a boom, boom!



(Have kids claw the air in a slashing motion)
With a slash, slash here, and a slash, slash there, here a slash, there a slash, everywhere a slash, slash!


Feel free to have the kids suggest other dinosaurs and create your own versions!