Subscribe today, and you’ll get instant access to all the following:
- Thousands of fun and engaging activities for kids in preschool – 6th grade.
- Around 1,000 printable coloring pages for kids
- More than 100 different curriculum themes full of activities and printable worksheets. Perfect for those using an emergent curriculum.
- Our teacher’s encyclopedia: A treasure-trove of kid-friendly facts and information, along with guidelines and activities that will help you teach kids about different subjects.
- Recipes and formulas for things like home-made playdough and kid-friendly cooking activities
- A library of pictures and clip-art to use for discussion pictures, awesome decorations, bulletin boards, or parent news letters.
- A complete alphabet and phonics curriculum with activities and printables for every letter
of the alphabet.
- Teacher resources such as stencils, parent hand-outs, class forms,and other goodies.
- + New activities, printables, and resources being added every month!
It would cost you thousands of dollars to obtain the different resources offered on our site from an educational supply store. You get instant access to it all for just $19.00 a year, or a which is about $1.50 a month, less than the price of a ‘kids meal!’