The Difference Between ADD & ADHD
Treating children with ADD vs ADHD may require slight differences. Controlling the hyperactivity and impulse issues may be most appropriate for ADHD whereas improved focus by take priority with ADD, and drugs don’t always have to be the answer. By Monica Villarreal.
Adaptations For Teaching Children With ADHD
Teaching children with ADHD requires a group effort. Not all parents will agree to drug their children indiscriminately, which means everyone has to be on the same page with regards to behavior management, reasonable alternatives on bad days, and more. By Monica Villarreal.
The Three Recognized Types of ADHD
There are actually only three types of ADHD that are commonly recognized. The types of symptoms and the degree to which they are present determine the diagnosis and frequently, methods of treatment. By Monica Villarreal.
ADHD Children – Don’t Let ADHD Stand In The Way Of Your Child’s Success
ADHD doesn’t have to be a recipe for failure, and can turn out to be a recipe for success, There are many different approaches to helping ADHD children succeed both in their academic endeavors and their social interactions. By Monica Villarreal.