by Joy Chalmers
If you are planning to have a baby it is a good idea to get yourself in good physical shape prior to conception. It will certainly make your whole pregnancy period much more enjoyable and limit the chances of complications.
Some females know instantly when they are pregnant, as their bodies change and they experience feelings of nausea from about one month into the pregnancy. Others have no symptoms of pregnancy at all and their only indication is their lack of periods, with pregnancy only being confirmed by testing.
Those who experience feelings of nausea will probably find that these evaporate around 3 – 4 months. During those first few months you may well feel extremely tired. This is because your body is experiencing such major changes. Once you reach 4 months, if you have no medical problems, you often feel extremely well throughout the rest of your pregnancy. In the very late stages of pregnancy you might find sleep difficult because of your shape, but this can be helped by lying on your side and putting one leg over a pillow to make you more comfortable.
Once you know you are pregnant, even if you have not looked after yourself too much before, it is not too late to make a difference. It is vital to eat healthily. Often your body will tell you what foods it requires and you may well find that the things you especially loved prior to becoming pregnant now make you feel nauseous. Check out which foods are considered dangerous during pregnancy and abstain from keeping those in your diet. If you drink alcohol, limit that to one glass and cut out smoking. This may be difficult, but it is your child’s health you should be considering.
Also try to maintain a level of exercise that, whilst not overdoing it, will keep you fit. You will find that not only is the birth itself much easier if you are not overweight and have the stamina to keep pushing, but you will recover much quicker and easier, making it easier to enjoy the first few days of motherhood. Being a new parent is pretty demanding and if you enter that phase in good physical shape, you will find it much easier.
The main advice is know your own body and what feels sensible to you. Take advice, but assess it for its own particular worth. There is a host of information available and it is useful to Check Out practical advice and reviews on the most popular Pregnancy to Teens Help Programs.
About the Author
The author, who has had 30 years’ personal experience with children, is a respected reviewer of Pregnancy to Teen Help Programs, offering an unbiased view of the current popular programs available with a genuine interest in helping parents to enjoy and develop a close relationship with their children.